Are you starting 9th grade in autumn 2023? Then you should consider Tentro, Sørlandskirken’s confirmation scheme.
At Tentro, we connect major themes such as God, life and eternity with your everyday life through conversation and teaching, fun trips and solemn anniversaries. Tentro is open to everyone. There are no requirements for faith, baptism or belonging to Sørlandskirken, but it is expected that students attend all meetings and are engaged.
The scheme consists of around 15 gatherings every other Friday in Sørlandskirken’s premises. We travel on two or three weekend trips, and we have two anniversaries. The first is at the start of the school year, where the confirmands are presented at a church service and given a Bible as a gift. More information about the date to come.
The last commemorative day is the closing service on Saturday 27 April 2024 at 12:00 in Sørlandskirken’s new main hall, Barbu Scene. We make a great celebration.
Price participation fee: Info to come.
As a Tentro student, a membership fee of approx. NOK is included. NOK 50 to PBU/Pinse Ung in the participation fee. Tentro is a national, nondenominational teaching scheme and the teachers have undergone leadership courses at PBU. Check it out:
All the leaders undergo the safe churches course and must present a police certificate.
When making a payment, you confirm that you want to be a member. This covers the first two trips in the autumn, material, food/food on Friday evenings and the closing service.
Flow is Sørlandskirken’s youth church and has its gatherings every Friday at 20:00-about 22:30. See own info tab. Tentro students are welcome to participate in this scheme. Both collections and tours.
The fee for the popular Easter tour during the Palm weekend is in addition to the participation fee.