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Thermostat is Sørlandskirkens diaconal work. Our purpose is to provide care and support to people in a challenging life situation.

We believe that all people have an inviolable value. In meeting people, we care, help and love everyone unconditionally. We meet everyone with respect and without prejudice. All people are equally valuable.

We have these offers:

  • Bestemors stue, an offer for low-income families with children in kindergarten and primary school age. Read more at:
  • We coordinate the adventure park Join Arendal. Read more about this at
  • ConnectArendal is our offer for young people who have just arrived in the city. Read more at
  • Together with the Church’s Bymission, Tilstede Arendal and Moltemyr Nærmiljøsenter we derive FOR EVERYONE! Arendal. Read more at
  • Through the Barbu Crew project, we help young people get part-time jobs. Read more at
  • Through Med Hjerte For Arendal, we collaborate with everyone else who wants Arendal to be a good place to live. Read more at
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